The Morgan Tsvangirai Wikileaks cables-Part Thirty-Two

341-Jonathan Moyo said Mandela asked Mugabe to step down in 2007

342-Mbeki wanted Mugabe out before he left office

343-Tsvangirai said Mbeki did not like him personally

344-Masiyiwa had ties to both ZANU-PF and MDC!

345-Bennett kept million-dollar funding to MDC secret to keep vultures at bay

346-Government arrests human rights lawyers

347-Why MDC unity talks broke down

348-Tsvangirai said everything was in short supply in Zimbabwe except misery

349-Dell promised to assist opposition trip to US

350-MDC was going to look for new leader if Tsvangirai lost 2008 election

351-Masiyiwa prepared recovery plan with Nkosana Moyo

352-JOC behind the disastrous 2007 price controls

353-Mugabe’s priest

354-Botswana wanted to “take the gloves off” with Mugabe

355-Trevor Ncube thoroughly disgusted with MDC

356-Tsvangirai and Gono planned to form a political party

357-Is labour still a player

358-Mbeki wanted an election that would not be disputed

359-Tsvangirai said ZANU-PF not to be trusted

360-MDC pressured into signing constitutional amendment

Continued next page



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