PSMAS future to be decided Friday

The future of the troubled Premier Services Medical Aid Society will be decided this Friday. Permanent Secretary for Health Gerald Gwinji said yesterday a special general meeting of PSMAS will be held on 13 June to vote on the appointment of “an interim manager who will be vested with all the powers of the board and the principal officer or independent administrator” to manage the affairs of the society for a period not exceeding 12 months. The government appointed a six-member interim management team chaired by Gibson Mhlanga after dissolving the board at the beginning of the year. PSMAS was rocked by a scandal following revelations that its chief executive Cuthbert Dube earned more than US$500 000 a month including allowances while its members were being turned away by doctors because it was not paying its bills . Legislator Ruth Labode said last month PSMAS members were being turned away by doctors because it had no money. Government had not paid its subscriptions for three months. Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa said treasury was not paying until a team appointed by the government had cleaned up PSMAS finances.



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