HON. MATSUNGA: Thank you Mr. Speaker. My supplementary question to the Hon. Minister …
Hon. Chidakwa having been conversing with some Members loudly
THE HON. SPEAKER: The Hon. Member behind the seat there, can you leave the House. Can you leave the House! Do not disturb the Hon. Member who is speaking. You were making noise there. Can you go out – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
Hon. Chidakwa walked out of the House.
HON. MATSUNGA: My supplementary question is, Hon. Minister, do you know that Epworth is a new location? Locations like Mufakose, Glenview and Highfield are older than Epworth. These were built in the 60s, earlier than Epworth. These are areas where there are houses and you will find that there are houses in Epworth which are not on plans. You cannot compare these to the locations that I am talking about which are locations which have houses on plans.
HON. ZIYAMBI: The houses that the Hon. Member is mentioning are houses which are different from Glenview. We agreed that this should be applied to different locations. The City of Harare is responsible for these procedures. However, His Excellency the President said that because the City of Harare is failing to do this, it was decided that we are not going to choose whether it is Epworth, Glenview, Gwanda or any other location but we are planning anew, considering every urban location. So we are starting with the first location being Epworth then we are going to spread the programme to the other areas. I thank you.
HON. MUNENGAMI: Thank you Hon. Speaker. My supplementary question to the Hon. Minister is, he said in this House under oath that the Government is now taking over zvikwereti zvese zvekumashure zvaibhadharwa nevanhu.
THE HON. SPEAKER: Did you say under oath?
HON. MUNENGAMI: Yes, because if he is here, is it not that he is under oath in whatever he says? What we want Hon. Speaker is clarification. The Hon. Minister said that all the money that is owed…
THE HON. SPEAKER: Ask your question.
HON. MUNENGAMI: My question to the Hon. Minister is that the debts that you referred to in this august House and you said that Government is taking over the debts which were owed by citizens of the nation is what you are taking about.
THE HON. SPEAKER: Honourable what is the question?
HON. T. MLISWA: On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir. With due respect, Hon. Paradza has not been around for a long time Mr. Speaker. I think we need to be very clear and fair. Hon. Paradza does not come here to Parliament. When he comes, he wants to make noise. He sits at the corner with Hon. Matangira there. They are there. They are strategically positioned to make noise. Being a former headmaster, bring them here so that you can watch them. When children are naughty in class, the one who is naughty is monitored. I therefore recommend you bring them close here so that they can behave themselves. He is disastrous. He is a member of the youth, but a shame to the ZANU PF Politburo. He must behave himself. He must behave like a member of the ruling party Politburo. This is nonsense to the youth. He is the leader of the youth, so what example is he setting? Musatore zvigaro kana musina kudzidza vana Paradza – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]-
THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Hon. Paradza, where are you? It is John Paradza. If you are going to be recognised now you will be out. Thank you.
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