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Mujuru says I will never rejoin ZANU-PF

Former Vice-President Joice Mujuru says she will never join the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.

ZANU-PF secretary for administration Obert Mpofu said at the weekend that Mujuru, who was the country’s number two for 10 years but lost favour in 2014 when former President Robert Mugabe’s wife Grace elbowed her out, was rejoining the party as had other former ZANU-PF stalwarts Ambrose Mutinhiri who founded the National Patriotic Front and Didymus Mutasa who was fired from ZANU-PF and teamed up with Mujuru to form the Zimbabwe People First party.

Mujuru responded on her facebook page saying: “I will NEVER rejoin ZanuPf. Im not desperate. Theres my son to support! He’s the president. The only way forward is forward not backwards.”

Observers believe that the son Mujuru was referring to is Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa because she does not have a biological son of her own and he is currently the only politician who contests President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s legitimacy.

Chamisa seems to be getting a lot of support from Mugabe whom he has described as a Statesman worth consulting. Reports also say Mugabe bankrolled his 2018 presidential campaign. He also publicly endorsed Chamisa on the eve of the elections.

Observers also say by supporting Chamisa, Mujuru would be joining hands with her former rival Grace Mugabe but this was merely a marriage of convenience to fight Mnangagwa.

Grace, who showered Mnangagwa with praise after he hired a private jet for to attend her mother’s funeral, is reported to be at sixes and sevens because she cannot trust Mnangagwa to look after her after Mugabe is gone and believes Chamisa can do a better job as he would be obligated to her.

Commenting on her statement on facebook, a Robert Chihota said: “My advice would be for you to rejoin ZanuPF. Unless if you have decided to retire from politics. Because you are a liberation war fighter, and your colleagues are in ZanuPf, don’t take differences to the grave.

“Come to think of it, Dr.Amai is no longer in ZanuPf, she is the one who harmed you most. And besides, it was political rivalry between children of the same family. No matter where you go, you are a child of Zanupf. In my opinion, you have more to gain by joining them rather than staying outside them.

“Just imagine; what did other prodigal sons of Zanupf achieve by going away except dying bitter and isolated, what did Enos Nkala, Edgar Tekere etc achieve? Please rejoin ZanuPf, don’t play to the gallery and follow advice of facebook fans.

“If they don’t want you to rejoin ZanuPf, why could they not give you post in MDCA? Some people just want you lonely and isolated. You don’t deserve isolation. You fought for this country. Join fellow liberators and help take the country forward.”

Mujuru said Chihota’s advice was bad and toxic.

“Some of us are liberation war fighters and change makers,” she responded to which an Oliver Kuka replied: “You are just a spent force now my lady.”


This post was last modified on April 9, 2019 6:49 am

Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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