Categories: Stories

Mthuli Ncube’s 2024 budget concessions in full

Looking at Sport, Arts and Recreation, there is the issue of the stadium refurbishment, the Chair raised this.  On that one, let me say it was not in the budget.  We have actually struck an arrangement with a private sector investor who is going to help refurbish the National Sports Stadium.  Government is also chipping in with its budget and we expect that in the next three months, everything will change.  We are acting on it.

Coming to Chair on Health and Well-being, I have dealt with the issue around the Abuja target of 15%.  Sugar tax, may be something is that the alcohol levy that was introduced last year that perhaps should also be targeted towards the substance abuse issue among our youth.  We will try to target it towards that.  Let me say this, when we look at the health sector budget, there is a bit that is not in the budget.  For example, the USD200 000 that was spent building the polyclinics, we built one in Harare South, Hopley area and then in Cowdray Park.  Now the one in Mataga area in Zvishavane is complete.  One also in Runyararo is also complete and ready for launching.

We are now moving on to building two district hospitals in Hwedza and Umzingwane.  So, overally, we are building 30 clinics with the best equipment and six district hospitals again with the best equipment.  That is not in the budget because we borrowed that money.  There is a lot that is happening in the health sector that is not being captured.  If you look for instance, even the Aids Levy is not properly captured in the budget allocation, but is hidden off to supporting the sector.

Then Chair for Higher and Tertiary Education Committee, I have highlighted the infrastructure for the disabled that we are going to support and also support the increase in lecturer salaries so that we can match the regional ambush to stop the brain drain into the regional universities.  We have taken note of that. 

I think something was raised by the Chair of Energy and Power Development Sector, the issue regarding strategic reserve levy.  He was supporting and that we should do more and build our reserves towards the bad days cover.  That is accepted.

On the Foreign Affairs Committee, I think we have come a long way with this Ministry.  I recall a time when Ambassadors were not getting their salaries, staff being kicked out of residences; kids not going to school, out there.  We have moved mountains in terms of procurement of vehicles, clearing the arrears, in fact with arrears, when I came in, we had outstanding arrears of about USD85 million.  When I last checked, about two weeks ago, we were down to USD3 million.  We have cleared arrears in the last five years. -[HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]-

I passed through the South African Embassy and UK, I can see that right now we have to do something about vehicles.  So, I propose that we should buy them another multi-people vehicle, 7/8 people.  They need that.  Most embassies need that.  Secondly, refurbishment, well in South Africa, the residence of the Ambassador is done.  In the UK, the Ambassador’s house is about to be done.  Then the Chanceries as well, we are making a lot of progress.  We involve the private sector when it comes to renovations in UK and also in New York because those are highly potential profitable reimbursements on a PPP basis and get a developer, they can help in supporting the custom running.  So, we are clear, also other embassies under critical need is Ethiopia. We will deal with it.  It is in a bad state.  We also have to deal with Geneva as well.  We have a programme, we will get there and we really want to support the Ministry on this.  I can assure Hon. Shamu that we are on it.

The Local Government Chair, talked about raising funding for ZUPCO.  She said something about 1000 extra ZUPCO buses going forward.

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Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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