More than 21 000 Zimbabweans vaccinated for coronavirus today

More than 21 000 Zimbabweans vaccinated for coronavirus today

More than 21 000 Zimbabweans were vaccinated for coronavirus today with 17 234 getting their first jab and 4 358 their final dose raising the number of those who have received their first dose to 353 834 and those who have been fully vaccinated to 57 776.

Three people, however, succumbed to the pandemic. There were 16 new cases, six from the same boarding school in Matebeleland North that had another six cases yesterday.

Twenty-six people recovered.

Active cases dropped to 1 393 with those in Matebeleland South dropping to 502 after 25 people from the province recovered. Harare still has 379 cases, Manicaland 269 and Bulawayo 127.

Deaths have risen to 1 560, cases to 38 102 and recoveries to 35 149.



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