Mnangagwa to organise “thank you” rallies

Mnangagwa to organise “thank you” rallies

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is to organise “thank you” rallies across the country to thank the people for voting him into power as well as to announce plans to improve provincial economies.

He has not announced the dates yet, but Mnangagwa said this today when he handed over 90 cars to chiefs as part of the government’s commitment to improve the welfare of traditional leaders.

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change Alliance said that Mnangagwa used traditional leaders to rig the just ended elections which its leader Nelson Chamisa still claims he won, though his case was dismissed by the Constitutional Court.

“We are going to have rallies in your respective areas to thank the people for voting me into power,” Mnangagwa was quoted by the Herald as saying.

“We will be saying the message of peace that we have been saying all along and we will also announce plans we have to improve provincial economies because we do not want everything to be centred on Harare. We will also take the time to explain devolution to the people.”

Mnangagwa who is yet to announce his cabinet is expected to travel to China next week for the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation summit to be held in Beijing on 3 and 4 September.



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