Mnangagwa says economic prosperity key to winning 2023 elections

Mnangagwa says economic prosperity key to winning 2023 elections

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa today rallied the ruling ZANU-PF to keep the momentum on successful implementation of party and government economic development programmes which are key for the party to win forthcoming elections.

Addressing the ZANU-PF Politburo, Mnangagwa said uplifting the lives of ordinary people would allow the party to follow in the footsteps of its sister ruling revolutionary party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) of Tanzania, which won a record setting landslide in recent polls.

The CMM won 262 of 264 Parliamentary seats while its leader President John Maguful won 84 percent of the vote, a record since multi-party elections have been held in the country from 1995.

“2023 is just around the corner, let us keep implementing projects that will transform the lives of our people,” Mnangagwa said while readying the party for by-elections to be held any time before the national polls set for 2023.

“The resounding victory of our sister revolutionary party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi in Tanzania which won 262 seats of the 264 Parliamentary seats, must inspire ZANU-PF to vanquish the opposition in the forthcoming by-elections and the subsequent 2023 harmonised general elections.”

In the 2018 elections, ZANU-PF won a two-thirds majority in Parliamentary polls.

Mnangagwa said the continued fight against corruption was crucial as Zimbabwe implements its new economic blueprint, the National Development Strategy 1 from 2021.

“The fight against corruption continues. ZANU-PF, under the Second Republic, will never allow the party to be a sanctuary of malcontents,” he said.

Reiterating calls for the lifting of illegal western sanctions imposed on the country two decades ago, Mnangagwa said his administration was making progress in establishing new relations and cooperation with friendly countries.

Mnangagwa also rallied Zimbabweans to continue working in unity for the development of the country and to focus energies on production, particularly on the promising 2020/21 agriculture season.

He said a threefold wheat production had been recorded this past winter season, which would sustain the country for the next nine months.

“In the past we used to produce a cover for two months only,” he said.-New Ziana



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