President-Elect Emmerson Mnangagwa remains confident that he won the 30 July elections and told the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation that he would be mad to think otherwise.
“..if we have got an election, it’s declared free and fair during the process of campaigning, it’s declared free, fair and transparent during voting and I get more than two thirds majority and with that the presidential vote I get 50.8% of the national vote and my nearest person gets 44. Why would I ever think I will lose unless I have some problems with my thinking?” he said.
His main rival, Nelson Chamisa of the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance, has rejected Mnangagwa’s victory and challenged the results in court.
The case will be heard on Wednesday.
Chamisa says he won the elections but they were rigged in favour of Mnangagwa. Over the weekend he called on Mnangagwa to do the honourable thing and concede defeat.
“The people voted … and we must have the decency to respect their will. ED does not have authentic votes above one million. The rest are concocted, engineered and forced,” Chamisa said on Saturday.
“He didn’t get even 5%.He was given 50.8%,” he went on yesterday.
According to Chamisa’s legal team there is a discrepancy of 4 900 votes between the results announced by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission on television when it declared Mnangagwa the winner and the results it published.
“A discrepancy of over 4 000 votes-based on the ZEC’s own data- undermines the legitimacy and credibility of the election process and is not in keeping with a free and fair election,” the team argued.
Mnangagwa’s legal team is filing its answering affidavit this morning.
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