Mnangagwa calls on Zimbabweans to keep eyes on the ball

Mnangagwa calls on Zimbabweans to keep eyes on the ball

President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday urged Zimbabweans, as they enter into 2020, to keep their eyes on the ball.  And the ball, he said, is productivity, unity, peace and harmony.

In his closing remarks at the 2019 Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front annual conference, Mnangagwa urged Zimbabweans to be vigilant in the coming year and going forward.

“Keep your eyes and ears open. The January nonsense and periodic mischievous activities by opposition elements such as those we witnessed this year must be nipped in the bud,” he said.

“Never again should we allow the loss of the precious lives of our countrymen to feed the agenda of a notorious few.

“Let us, therefore, expose their lies and fake news by always preaching the truth and the message of hope among our people.

“Every citizen must keep their eyes on the ball, and the ball is productivity, unity, peace and harmony.”

Mnangagwa said besides being the party of liberation, ZANU-PF was the party of the future.

“The legacy of our heroic forefathers is safe in the hands of ZANU-PF. Hazvivhunzwi kuti arikutonga ndiani. Zviripachena  iZANU-PF,” he said.

“As we go to our respective provinces, districts and wards, I challenge us all to accelerate the implementation of developmental projects in line with devolution.

“All our citizens must benefit from the resource endowments in their communities.

“The people must know that the party and government will continue to support the empowerment and employment of the youth, women, SMEs, veterans of our liberation struggle and people with disabilities, among others.

“Let us shift the population towards a mindset of productivity. We will support projects, projects and more projects across every sector of the economy.

“The land must be productive and there is no more room for cellphone farmers. The rains are pounding, let us all go back and diligently work the fields.

“The success of our nation depends on how well we are organised; how well we allocate our resources and how well we use our time.

“As we execute our responsibilities all of us must strive to be honest, disciplined, transparent, selfless and accountable in our activities inside and outside the party.”

Mnangagwa said the principles of servant leadership must be upheld.

“These are values and national ethos which must be embedded in us and bequeathed in future generations,” he said.

“All party members and the nation as a whole must shun retrogressive tendencies such as laziness, indiscipline, greed, corruption, selfishness and immorality, among other voices.

“I further challenge every public servant and party member to reform, reinvigorate and turn over a new leaf towards a result-oriented culture. Excuses for non-performances will no longer be tolerated.

“Persons charged with the responsibility of implementing government programmes must deliver. Those who refuse to change and have been busy slowing down government programmes will be changed.”



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