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Mnangagwa and Chamisa spokesmen exchange fire

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba and Nelson Chamisa’s deputy spokesman Gift Ostallos Siziba have exchanged fire on whether the Citizens Coalition for Change should have held a congress or not with Siziba telling Charamba that CCC is not MDC.

CCC is under pressure after self-proclaimed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu recalled 15 Members of Parliament and 17 councillors but party leader Chamisa said Tshabangu was not a member of his party.

Party supporters argue that Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda should not have recalled the legislators on the basis of Tshabangu’s letter asking whether if anyone claiming to be the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front secretary-general recalled ZANU-PF legislators would Mudenda accede to that.

Already someone has allegedly recalled 70 ZANU-PF MPs.

Writing on his X handle, in what he headlined “straightening the record on triple C”, charamba said: “After a series of spectacular legal harassments by Douglas Mwonzora, the leadership of what would become Triple C met and decided on THREE ISSUES ONLY. “These were: 

“1- to abandon the name MDC and to adopt a new name, TRIPLE C; 

“2- to change the Party colour scheme from RED to YELLOW; 

“3- to change representation from an open palm to a wagging finger. 

“There was no allocation of positions, including Presidency of the new Party. That would be decided at Congress they envisaged. Equally, there was no dissolution of structures as these would carry them to envisaged Congress. 

“Soon after, Chamisa went on a systematic destruction of structures, and put in train processes of enthroning himself whilst humiliating his peers, the acme of the latter being the Kwekwe Rally at which all chairs were removed and put under the top platform. Only one chair was left on the top platform, namely his. 

“Upon arrival, the assumed leadership from the old formation were curtly told everyone had to sit on the floor, IN LINE WITH DIVINE REVELATION TO CHAMISA! Thereafter, a graduated de-frocking of erstwhile leaders followed, which was also the graduated enthronement of kindergartens from colleges, who would not pose a threat to King Nero. I thought you should know. Good morning Zimbabwe!!!!”
CCC deputy spokesman Siziba responded: “With due respect mkoma, CCC is not MDC, CCC is a new political organization formed in January 2022 with President Chamisa as the founder and leader. We will not allow ZANUPF to come and tell falsehood and revision of facts. The so called congress does not exist in our nomenclature and CCC lexicon! Asbonge.”

Charamba refused to budge though Siziba seems to have given up after that one post.

“Wamuka sei munin’ina nemarwadzo? Chinzwaka, the first point makes it clear your structureless organisation resolved to ditch MDC for a new name, Triple C. That point  would not have been made in the absence of a resolution making your Constitution-free Organisation cease to operate as MDC which the legally victorious Mwonzora had made untenable, in any event. Just as a parting shot, I am narrating that part in the life of your leaderless movement before your arbitrary appointment!!!!!

“To assist you yet again, where an Executive arm of an organisation sits in convocation, and comes up with a recorded resolution which births a Party, no one member, great or small, thin or stout, can claim status of sole FOUNDER. Nor does it follow that a CO-FOUNDER becomes the leader of that Party. 

“Democratic Leadership issues from popular decision, the main and known mechanism of which is a CONGRESS or ELECTIVE CONFERENCE, to use your preferred nomenclature. Only WAPUSA-WAPUSA is founded and run differently from this standard, founding template. I appreciate you have to prove loyalty to Chamisa; however this gets dignified if done within parameters of common sense. Your reasoning stretches the understanding and tolerance of an ordinary, reasonable person!!!!!”



This post was last modified on October 18, 2023 9:11 am

Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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