Mliswa versus Mutasa

Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front Secretary for Administration, Didymus Mutasa, the fourth most powerful man in the ruling party, seems to be finding it difficult to dissociate himself from allegations by Mashonaland West Provincial chairman Temba Mliswa that he facilitated an out-of-court settlement in a dispute in which Mliswa was claiming US$165 million from Billy Rautenbach for facilitating several business ventures that Rautenbach was involved in including the ethanol project in Chisumbanje. Mliswa said: “The onus is on you journalists to go and ask the Honourable Minister. ‘Did Billy ask you to settle this out of court?’ Because he is an honourable MP and he so happens to be my uncle, I trusted my uncle. I decided that the matter be settled out of court because he had gone and asked him to do that.” Mutasa responded today: “I don’t want to be interviewed about those issues. They have nothing to do with me. Mliswa has got his own life and I have my own life. Don’t mix. I don’t want to talk about that again.”



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