Mliswa says there are more White cartels in Zimbabwe but we only attack Black cartels

Mliswa says there are more White cartels in Zimbabwe but we only attack Black cartels

So Madam Speaker, the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development must be questioned as to why they were sleeping on duty.  I might differ from time to time with my colleague brother Hon. Nduna but when he was the Chairperson for the Committee; he pushed, whether it was in his direction or not but there was vibrancy.

I want to talk about the vibrancy which was in the Committee.  Today in some of these committees we might as well create coffins for them to say, rest in peace.  Clearly, there is nothing that is going on; they are as good as dead.  We have the capacity of Hon. Moyo here who when he speaks you see that there is a vision. May political parties stop appointing people on partisan lines even within their parties and appoint people on capacity.

We have my dear sister Hon. Mavetere who is also full of capacity,  within you Madam Speaker, while some of us were not sure but today we are proud of you because we have seen you share that –[HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – I must say this from my heart – that today I can clearly say that we have a woman in power.  We have a woman who is able to even put things across in their perspectives and so forth, which really means that if all Portfolio Committees have women as Chairpersons, there would be no corruption and criminals in this country.

Power must go to women who fear going to prison. Men do not fear going to prison and no wonder why you see the ratio of people in prisons largely being men and not women.  So may we really entrust women who for nine months are with us, who remained family orientated and focused.  Imagine if they were given Portfolio Committees to run, how successful they would be.  We need to now have a culture of people who have capacity, transparent, people who can account and people who can put the country first in their discharge of duty.

Madam Speaker, may your administration ensure that we hold the Ministers accountable to why they gave Univern a contract for tollgates and number plates when this report clearly points to them that they are corrupt and not fit to do business with Government.  Such a company must be black listed.  There are black companies who can do a better job at the end of the day, may they be empowered the same way the whites are.

There are more white cartels in this country who are quiet.  We attack the black cartels and so forth.  Allow the black people to enjoy the gains of the struggle and let us celebrate billionaires who are black, the Strive Masiyiwas, the Kuda Tagwireis, the Phillip Chiyangwas and so forth.  This is what it must be about.  May we also see Members of Parliament becoming millionaires by you tendering and getting this and getting partners who have capacity.  Thank you very much Madam Speaker.  I thank you for giving me the time.


Editor: To help you understand what Mliswa was talking about, we are serializing the Public Accounts Committee report on the ZINRA audit for 2017 and 2018




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