MOTION- 10 March 2016
HON. CHAMISA: Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir. I rise to give a notice of motion in terms of Rule 59 (1) of our Standing Orders to give a notice that a motion on the adjournment of the House on a definite matter of public importance as regards the disappearance of Itai Dzamara be considered by this House.
SUBSEQUENTLY following to the statement in response to a question raised by the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Thokozani Khupe, which was given by the Hon. Vice President; our Acting President, Hon. E. D. Mnangagwa.
NOTING that, it has exactly been a year since the disappearance of Itai Dzamara;
CONSIDERING that the Minister of Home of Affairs pursuant to a Court Order was supposed to be giving monthly reports on the progress of the findings;
PETURBED that the Government in that regard has not been updating the nation on the progress;
AWARE AND COGNISANT of the citizens’ constitutional rights and importance of strengthening constitutionalism, human rights and consolidation of democracy, now acknowledging the existence of certain important statutes in particular the International Convention of Protection of People from enforced disappearances as a very important instrument that has to be taken note of;
NOW THEREFORE, this august House,; this great deliberative House calls upon the Government to bring to finality and closure investigations on the whereabouts, fate and status of Itai Dzamara, leaving no stone unturned in that process.
ASK the Government to chip in on the social welfare support to the Dzamara family, in particular the wife and the children as restorative and rehabilitative measures;
Government to guarantee none repetition of occurrences and give assurance to all citizens in terms of the protection of the right to demonstrate and the right to petition as enshrined in our Constitution.
Lastly and more importantly, for Parliament to call upon Government to ensure that all perpetrators of politically motivated violence are prosecuted and that victims are availed the necessary and consequential restorative and rehabilitative justice. I so move Hon. Speaker Sir. Thank you very much.
THE HON. SPEAKER: I consider the motion to be the one contemplated by Standing Order Number 59 (1) and accordingly call upon members who support the motion to rise in their spaces.
All MDC Hon. Members rose in their places.
THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Whip. Please take your seats. As no fewer than 25 Members have supported the contemplated motion, I declare the leave of the House to discuss the motion to have been duly granted at 5:15 o’clock p.m. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –
THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Hon. Chamisa, can the Chair be heard please.
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