June kicks off with 37 new coronavirus cases and 3 deaths

June kicks off with 37 new coronavirus cases and 3 deaths

Zimbabwe today recorded 37 new cases, three deaths and 30 recoveries resulting in the number of active cases going up to 775, more than half of them in Harare.

Deaths now stand at 1 599, cases at 38 998 and recoveries at 36 624.

Masvingo has 127 cases, followed by Matebeleland South with 68 and Bulawayo 66.

Half of the recoveries today were in the Midlands which resulted in active cases dropping to 13.

The Midlands town of Kwekwe is currently under a two-week local lockdown following an outbreak of the Indian variant of the virus.

More than 11 000 people were vaccinated today with the bulk, 8 878, getting their second and final dose and 2 325 getting their first jab.

Zimbabwe has now administered 1 031 278 doses and 353 278 people are now fully immunised.

According to the New York Times world vaccination tracker, 4.6% of Zimbabwe’s population had received the first dose while 2.4 % had been fully vaccinated by yesterday.

There is no breakdown for Botswana which is second to Zimbabwe in Southern Africa but 6.2 out of every 100 have been vaccinated.

In South Africa, the regional power house, only 1.7 in every 100 have been vaccinated.



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