It was the voice of the people, of the nation, with all its various institutions, which was decisive and which convinced an astonished world that what was at issue was a “National Question”, and that the question would be resolved internally without outside help. We showed remarkable capacity of resolving conflicts in an amicable way, and of speedily resetting society back to normalcy on our own terms and in our own way.
Indeed, the people of Zimbabwe demonstrated that they are united by its flag, its anthem, its history and its future. This should be a matter of pride for our Party and all Zimbabweans. The voice of the people is the voice of God! “Operation Restore Legacy” was about our Nation: its past, its present and most of all its future, which had indeed become threatened.
It was about securing a future for our current and future generations. Furthermore, it was about rescuing, restoring and reasserting the founding ideals, values, principles and traditions of our national liberation struggles, as espoused by our Party, Zanu-PF.
The traditions that we held and still hold so dear, stood imperilled by a cabal of counter-revolutionary upstarts who weevil-like and over time, had burrowed deep into the pith of our Party and its structures, in the process compromising its leadership. It has destabilised the Party, causing absolute divisions and disquiet in this nation, which sat on edge.
The Party ideology, rules and protocols were being desecrated daily; or simply being brushed aside at will. Party structures were overrun, while elected office bearers were summarily suspended and dismissed at speeds of caprice and vaulting ambition. Corrupt activities and corrupt individuals were being daily sanitised while millions were being stolen and stashed out of the country.
The economy blurred from repeated, rampant smuggling. The county was violated with impurity. Disaffection was building especially from among the youths who were seeing their hopes of bright future slipping away. Veterans who had sacrificed for the liberation of this country were not just being reviled ; they were being abused and incarcerated on flimsy pretexts.
Party events where manipulatively re-engineered to contrive to show populated and unanimity. Party mobilisation was reduced to coercion. Party rallies became expensively choreographed pseudo-events dominated by a roving core group which used different venues in order to create an misleading illusion of populism which belied the bitter discontent which simmered beneath, threatening to boil over.
Clearly this was no longer the ZANU PF you and l had pledged our membership and loyalty to. Thus we all watched in dismay as the Party that won this nation’s independence and achieved so much development having its founding values supplanted. The ZANU PF l believe in is a progressive, forward thinking party that exist to serve the Zimbabwean people.
It is party that has a proud history and a bold vision for the future. It is a party that offers hope and opportunities to women, youths as well as the marginalised and disadvantaged persons among us. ZANU PF is without doubt a party that represents each and every Zimbabwean, irrespective of tribe, race, gender, age, social standing or economic class.
Continued next page
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