Government and teachers on collision course

The government and teachers are headed for a collision following a unilateral decision by the Ministry of Education to ban incentives to teachers introduced in 2009 to keep them on the job. Education Minister Lazarus Dokora says his ministry sent out a circular scrapping the incentives but Zimbabwe Teachers Association chief executive Sifiso Ndlovu said they had not received the circular. “There is no justification for their payment. Their payment is not consistent with the educational values they are meant to be servicing,” Dokora said according to The Herald. Ndlovu responded: “I have not gone through that circular but this reveals that the ministry is not transparent and intellectually honest. As stakeholders we should have been a participant. In the absence of that and as representatives of teachers, we will continue to deny the existence of that circular until we have a delivery of that in our hands as a union. We still hold on the 2009 circular number 5 that legalised incentives.”



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