Forgive Mugabe, he is too old- War vets leader

War veterans leader Victor Matemadanda says people should forgive former President Robert Mugabe because he is too old and thinks that he is better than anyone.

Addressing war veterans in Matebeleland North, Matemadanda said: “Mugabe will always do that because he thinks he is better than anyone and represents the whole electorate who he thinks can vote for his wife. He is very old and we can forgive him because of his age.”

Mugabe, who celebrated his 94th birthday last Wednesday, has complained that he was forcibly removed and the people that demonstrated against him were from the Movement for Democratic Change and not the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.

According to the Chronicle Matemadanda said Operation Restore Legacy which brought the current administration into power is irreversible.

“Some people are calling for a return of Mugabe regime alleging he loved them better than the way President Mnangagwa does, but I want to say it’s foolish to think that Mugabe will come back to rule. That’s just a show of desperation from comrades who don’t have orientation,” Matemadanda said.

“When we as the war veterans association made a resolution to remove Mugabe, the same was adopted by ZANU-PF.

“We knew we could be killed for saying all the Grace Mugabe nonsense, but would we have been paid with our lives? No. We were sacrificing ourselves because of the orientation we had.

“We fought for this legacy and we want to thank Zimbabweans from across the political and racial divide for supporting this national cause.

“We propose that November 18 be declared a national purpose day to thank people of Zimbabwe who joined in the march in saying Mugabe must go regardless of race, political affiliation and tribe.”



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