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Eddie Cross says Zimbabwe is stuck because everyone, including Mnangagwa, is corrupt

Zimbabwe is sliding deeper and deeper because of corruption even at the highest level of government leading to implication that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is involved and is a beneficiary, former Movement for Democratic Change policy advisor Eddie Cross says.

Writing in his weekly blog, Cross the President of Pakistan has just been sentenced to a long prison sentence just because he could not explain where his wealth had come from.

“If we applied that principle here, I do not think a single person in the past cabinet would escape the net. Many others would end up in jail – military officers, senior civil servants and managers and directors of State corporations,” he said.

“But not a single person of any stature has been convicted – not even Dube from PSMAS who, together with other senior managers and directors took more than half the total revenue of the medical aid society over three years. Not even the former Minister of Mines responsible for the Marange scandal which resulted in diamond revenues amounting to over US$23 billion disappearing over an 8-year period.”

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was on Monday jailed for seven years for corruption, not the President.

Cross said Mnangagwa could not turn the country around because everyone had their hands in the till.

“If you put a mealie cob in a can with a hole the size of a hand in one end and put it where the baboons can find it, a baboon will put his hand in the hole to grasp the cob – and will not let go to get his hand out even when threatened,” he said.

“Many of our leaders are just like that baboon – they have their hands in the till and cannot let go even if they are threatened.

“There can be no progress in this country until our leadership starts to put our national house in order and compels all those ministers and officials or even just politically connected individuals, to take their hands out of the till and allow us to repair the damage that they have done to us a nation over the past seven decades.

“That is what the people are asking from you Mr. President – not more words, action, not more promises, delivery and most of all real leadership to take us out of the morass we are in and give us a start on the long road back to a better quality of life.”


Full blog below

Continued next page


This post was last modified on December 29, 2018 12:27 pm

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Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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