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Chamisa to start e-rallies and road to victory series

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa will hold e-rallies every Monday between 7 and 8pm and will launch Road to Victory (R2V) interactive series from tomorrow.

His spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka said the R2V series will be Chamisa’s personal weekly message focusing on his vision, thought leadership, policies and ideas.

“The series will also give insights and highlights of the journey, the ups and downs, the ins and outs as the people of Zimbabwe brace to make history by voting for real change and total transformation in the forthcoming polls,” Tamborinyoka said.

“Further, between 7 and 8 pm every Monday, president Chamisa will be commencing Road to Victory (R2V) e-rallies; a suave online and digital platform that will enable those who cannot make it to rallies to engage with him on policy and other issues.

“This will be in the form of a video posted on his interactive online platforms where he will be engaging Zimbabweans on a multiplicity of issues.”

He did not give the platform’s address.

Full statement

Monday, 26 March 2018

President Chamisa unveils innovative Road to Victory (R2V) platforms

The people’s President Adv. Nelson Chamisa this week unveils new and exciting interactive platforms to share ideas and his vision for the imminent new Zimbabwe that sets in after the watershed forthcoming plebiscite.

Tomorrow, the people’s President launches a weekly series dubbed Road to Victory (R2V): Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday to be released every Tuesday.

The series will be a personal weekly message that focuses on the President’s vision, thought leadership, policies and ideas that will underpin the new Zimbabwe under his leadership.

The series will also give insights and highlights of the journey, the ups and downs, the ins and outs as the people of Zimbabwe brace to make history by voting for real change and total transformation in the forthcoming polls.

Further, between 7 and 8 pm every Monday, President Chamisa will be commencing Road to Victory (R2V) e-rallies; a suave online and digital platform that will enable those who cannot make it to rallies to engage with him on policy and other issues. This will be in the form of a video posted on his interactive online platforms where he will be engaging Zimbabweans on a multiplicity of issues.

Through these innovative platforms, President Chamisa will ensure that he continues to engage fellow citizens on diverse issues affecting our beloved motherland, Zimbabwe.

Behold the new!

Luke Tamborinyoka
Presidential Spokesperson and Director of Communications


Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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