Chamisa, Obert Gutu and Gramsci

Chamisa, Obert Gutu and Gramsci

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa and MDC-T vice-president Obert Gutu do not see eye to eye but this week they both tweeted the same quote from Italian Marxist philosopher and politician Antonio Gramsci.

It says: “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”

Gutu, who has 109 000 twitter followers, posted it first, on 29 September, and got four responses all of them unprintable insults.

Chamisa posted the same tweet on 4 October and got 171 responses with Chaapo Mutambara saying: “Many we are still awake Mr President. ED’s intellectual capacity is suspicious but what he needs to do is very clear, that is, to talk to you, but he veers off from the solution.”

Chamisa replied: “I am praying for my Bro Pfee to have his eyes opened and heart softened, for him to appreciate that hardness of the heart profiteth no man. Heartlessness, at the end of it all, only adds more sorrow and deeper grief!”

Oryina Degreat advised: “Except for one who possess understanding from the most high, the pathway to Excellence may not be so obvious. Yet I assure you, God Almighty will grant each one of us the strength of David. Ride on Mr President.”

Chamisa responded: “David says ‘Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.’ Psalms 20:7-8”.

Lord of War suggested: “Unity will suffocate the enemy, let’s unite as Zimbabweans and build our country, we survive without any help from outside of we unite, our country has everything we need except unity.”

Tendai Matengambishi added: “Power on its own means nothing Nero that applies to ED and yourself. Good grounded solutions is what will change Zimbabwe. ‘Put me in office is not a solution.’”



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