Supa Mandiwanzira in a tight spot

Information Communication and Technology Minister Supa Mandiwanzira is in a tight spot following reports that prosecutor-general Ray Goba has written to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission for an update on investigations…

Zarnet to buy Telecel

The government has tasked Zarnet, a state-enterprise- to buy Telecel, Zimbabwe’s third largest mobile phone provider, Information Communication  Technology Minister Supa Mandiwanzira said today.


Am I a ghost worker?

When I applied for my pension from the National Social Security Authority last year, I was shocked when the officer told me that I had omitted two employers on my application form. She said their records showed that I had worked for the government and for TelOne. I never worked for TelOne but I worked for the government, briefly, before independence. I therefore asked myself, was I one of the 75 000 ghost workers in the government?