Biti handed over to Zimbabwe police

Biti handed over to Zimbabwe police

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance principal partner Tendai Biti was handed over to the Zimbabwean police last night after Zambian authorities refused him asylum.

Biti crossed into Zambian yesterday and raised a commotion when Zimbabwe police tried to arrest him. The Zambian officials who protected him, however, released him after Lusaka refused to grant him asylum.

Zambian President Edgar Lungu, who is char of the Southern African Development Community Troika on Politics, Defence and Security, congratulated Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa on his victory last week.

“I wish to convey, on behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Zambia, and indeed on my own behalf, heartfelt congratulations to Your Excellency on your election as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe,” Lungu said.

“In this regard, I urge you to speedily overcome any post-election skirmishes to enable the country quickly return to a peaceful political discourse as an all-inclusive society. On our part as chair of the SADC Organ Troika on Politics, Defence and Security, Zambia stands ever ready to contribute to any progressive efforts to move Zimbabwe forward,” he said.

Mnangagwa has ruled out a government of national unity and is waiting to see if Nelson Chamisa, who has rejected the election results, will challenge his victory as he has been threatening for more than a week now.

Chamisa has until tomorrow to file his challenge with the Constitutional Court failing which Mnangagwa will be inaugurated on Sunday.

If he challenges the result, Mnangagwa has three days to respond and the Constitutional Court 14 days to decide.

One analyst said Chamisa had no ground to challenge the results but wanted to maintain the charade so that he is not deserted by the millions of supporters who voted for him after he declared he would win the elections and would usher new developments which would include bulletin trains and spaghetti roads.



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