Devaluation or not?

The Zimbabwe dollar, which has so far managed to stand its ground against major currencies since the 1991 devaluation despite the tumbling of, first , the US dollar, and then,…

UN cautious on Mozambique

After bungling in Angola, the United Nations has adopted a more cautions approach towards the Mozambique ceasefire which should ultimately lead to the first multi-party elections since the country won…

Can Smith really be a saviour?

Former rebel leader, Ian Smith seems to be slowly weaving his way back into politics, thanks to the current discontent which is increasingly leading most people, especially the older generation,…

Chidzero, down but not out

Zimbabwe's Finance Minister, Bernard Chidzero, may have lost the post of secretary-general for the United Nations but the international community has not yet completely forgotten about him. This seems to…

Financial fiddling

The country's major newspaper publisher, Zimbabwe Newspapers, may not only have the recently launched Daily Gazette to worry about. Reports say there could have been some financial fiddling within the…

Balancing the army!

The recent promotions of army and air force commanders seems to be aimed more at tribally balancing the army than anything else. The appointment of Perence Shiri as commander of…

Sithole’s double talk

ZANU (Ndonga) leader Ndabaningi, who on his return from self-exile in the United States promised to give every Zimbabwean $600 a month and a 15-acre piece of land, is now…

Dying city

Despite pleas for almost the greater part of 1991 and 1992, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second largest city and the country's major industrial base, is slowly dying while the government continues to…