Developers worried about phones

Property developers are now concerned that the shortage of telephone lines will adversely affect the lettability of new premises because chances of getting a telephone installed within a year, in…

ESAP, religion and hardship

ESAP with its various interpretations ranging from Eternal Suffering for the African People to Enormous State Approved Poverty is now here to stay. Its effects are beginning to bite almost…

Where does Zimbabwe stand?

Zimbabwe is slowly plunging into deeper debt as it implements the World Bank and IMF sponsored Economic Structural Adjustment Programme, which it claims is homemade. Minister of state for Finance,…

Business interests take upper hand

Zimbabwe's commercial interests are increasingly taking the upper hand over ideological ones. The country which once refused to recognise South Korea or Taiwan recently entertained a South Korean delegation which…

Beef problems looming

Poor planning by the government coupled with the current drought could once again plunge the country into another food crisis, this time the shortage of beef. Although the government had…

ESAP brings uniform mania

During the school days it was the most detested thing. Today, with clothing almost unaffordable even on credit, everyone is rushing for uniforms. They now seem to be the in-thing…