Tough year for The Insider

Having been slapped with our first, and so far only, lawsuit towards the end of last year, 1992 was a very tough year for The Insider. Production costs went up…

Call for better youth policy

With the country churning out between 200 000 and 300 000 school-leavers each year, the majority of whom will not get jobs, there has been increasing debate as to whether…

1992: a wasted year!

The year just ended will go down as one of the worst in this country's history. Nothing moved. The economy, agriculture and politics were all stagnant, if not declining. The…

Study or time wasting?

Reports that the French government is to finance an $8 million feasibility study of the Bulawayo-Zambezi water pipeline seem to be just another indication of how inefficient and undecided our…