SAPS and riots….

Susan George, a leading pro-Third World economist argues that, when the two Bretton Woods Institutions, the World Bank and the IMF, call for economic reform, they almost take over everything…

Murerwa given political clout

Finance Minister Herbert Murerwa seems to have been given the political clout he requires to steer the country out of its economic woes. He has been elevated to deputy secretary…

Mandaza launches weekly paper

Southern Africa Printing and Publishing House publisher Ibbo Mandaza has fulfilled his ambition to own a national weekly newspaper. He launched the Zimbabwe Mirror on December 1 to provide the…

Presidential blunders

President Robert Mugabe seems to have a knack for making blunders whenever the country seems to be steering towards greater democracy and accountability. After his government had just announced measures…

Church and politics

The next general elections may be some time away but the Catholic Church seems to have made an early start to conscientise people on the need to vote. But at…