PTC and privatisation

December 18, 1992

Plans to privatise the Posts and Telecommunications Corporation still seem to be on the cards but a number of questions…

Salary that can feed 2 500 people

December 18, 1992

Reports that a Harare businessman, Claud Danha, is being paid as much as $20 000 a month from state coffers…

Teachers cashing in on demand for education

December 18, 1992

The school term has just ended. Most parents now have to endure two months of agony as they anxiously wait…

Gazette already written off?

December 18, 1992

Zimbabwe Newspapers seems to have already written off its competition, the Daily Gazette. Sources say it is giving the Gazette…

Mugabe named in BCCI scandal — report says he accepted money in return for favours

November 20, 1992

It had to come out one day. President Mugabe, who has almost been untouchable in the past 12 years, maintaining…

25 filing cabinets of Zipra documents lost

November 20, 1992

Twenty-five filing cabinets and 20 steel trunks containing Zipra documents went missing when leaders of the former ZAPU military wing…

AIDS: thousands affected but the disease is still not being taken seriously

November 20, 1992

December has always been considered a month of rejoicing . It has the almost universal Christmas which, though christian, has…

Taxpayers not happy with drought levy

November 20, 1992

Zimbabwe's taxpayers are disgruntled with the 10 percent drought relief levy that was introduced last month. This is, however, not…

Developers worried about phones

November 20, 1992

Property developers are now concerned that the shortage of telephone lines will adversely affect the lettability of new premises because…

ESAP, religion and hardship

November 20, 1992

ESAP with its various interpretations ranging from Eternal Suffering for the African People to Enormous State Approved Poverty is now…