56 die of coronavirus in Zimbabwe in one day, 31 in Harare

56 die of coronavirus in Zimbabwe in one day, 31 in Harare

Fifty-six people died of coronavirus in Zimbabwe today, 31 of them in Harare as the country received two million doses of vaccine and the vaccination programme itself picked up with nearly 35 000 getting the jab today.

There were 2 156 new cases today with each of the country’s 10 provinces recording more than 100 cases.  Mashonaland East topped the list with 327, followed by Mashonaland West with 312 and Harare with 278.

Active cases rose to 17 499, deaths to 2 029 and cumulative cases to 62 383.

Some 525 people recovered today pushing the total to 42 855. Matebeleland South had the highest number of recoveries which saw the number of active cases drop to 763, the lowest in the country now. A further 100 recovered in Mashonaland West and 83 in Harare.

A record 29 750 got the first jab today and 5 071 got the second dose. So far 848 808 have received the first dose and 584 770 two doses.

July is already proving to be the worst month since the outbreak of the pandemic in March last year.

With just eight days into the month, it has recorded 12 519 cases which is only slightly lower than the 19 521 recorded in January, the worst month so far.

Fewer people have, however, died so far with 240 in eight days. There were 854 deaths in January and 246 in February.



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