4 die of coronavirus in Bulawayo as city death toll rises to 72

4 die of coronavirus in Bulawayo as city death toll rises to 72

Four people died of coronavirus in Bulawayo today raising the death toll for the city to 72 and that for the nation to 265.

Zimbabwe’s second largest city now has 164 of the 586 active cases and is followed by Matebeleland North with 135, Matebeleland South with 80 and Harare 76.

There were 65 new cases today and only 11 recoveries. Cumulative cases now stand at 9 046 while the number of people that have recovered is 8 195.

Globally the number of cases has risen to 57 million with 1.36 million deaths, 39.6 million recoveries and 16.1 million active cases.

The United States should surpass 12 million cases by tomorrow.



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